Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Why do you believe the Earth is flat?
This was a question randomly posed by blogger's profile form. My response couldn't be shoehorned into the alloted 150 character space, so here it is:
Actually, I don't believe it is flat - I have an entirely different theory, summed up as follows:
1. Cats always land on their feet
2. Buttered toast always lands on the buttered side
3. A buttered cat must land on both its feet and the butter, and therefore cannot land at all
4. All objects which do not fall are buttered cats
5. The Earth does not fall, but rather rotates in space
6. The Earth is a giant, buttered cat
Not only does this theory merge the disparate postulations of the relativity and quantum camps, but also neatly explains why I have hayfever (I'm allergic to cats).